• High rain- and irrigation-water retention → approx. 30,5 l/m2 water storage capacity
• Protecting the waterproofing against the scattering of the filling material → protective overlapping edge around the board
• Increased contact surface → heightened protection of the waterproofing through the favorable weight distribution
• Long-term ventillation of the root area → increased diffusion openings
• Durable and high compressive strength material (HIPS) → no water cooling needed during summer installations
• Preventing the sinking of the filter layer → dedicated support cones
• Suitable for flooded blue roof → Flooding height with approx 50 mm; with the combination of DiaDrain-
60H-UP as a DiaDrain-120-WM wassermanagement system up to 100 mm water level
• Fire classification regarding EN 13501-1 → classified as class „E" construction product, therefore without limitation applicable
DIADEM® build-up
• Vegetation
• Growing media
• VLF-200 filter layer
• DiaDrain-60H drainage board (filled)
• VLS-500 water retention
and mechanical protection layer
• Root resistant waterproofing membraine
• Roof construction
Rainwater-retention and flow-delay drainage board for semi-intensive or intesive roof gardens, for green roofs with flooded irrigation system and for paved roofs with sporadical traffic, eg. car parks, fire department access roads.