Flame resistant ⇒ tested according to EN 11925-2
Class „E” fire performance ⇒ according to EN 13501-1
High rainwater retention ⇒ nearly 12 l/m2 of water storage capacity
Runoff reference value (C) 0,29 ⇒ water delay over 70% according to FLL1
Microbiological resistance test (EN 12225) ⇒ barrier layer, protecting the waterproofing membrane against biological effects
Growing media
VLF 150/200 filter layer
VLU 300/500 mechanical protection layer
Root resistant waterproofing membraine
Roof construction
Flame resistant flow-delay retention board for extensive and semi-intensive green roofs and hard surface pedestrian areas, made of recycled high-impact polystyrene (HIPS). The flow-delay and the retention functions are provided by the stepped barrier design.
Flame resistant flow-delay retention board for extensive green roofs made of recycled high-impact polystyrene, fire performance tested according EN ISO 11925-2 and certified according to EN 13501-1 class E, height 25 mm, stepped barrier form, with deep-drawn recessed evaporation vents and wa- ter channel system on the underside, water flow capacity on 2% roof slope ca. 0.57 l/(m×s) certified according to EN ISO 12958, water storage capacity 11.8 l/m2, weight: 1.56 kg/m2.