Niveus brings a subtle lime effect to a gentle light wood, creating a distinctive grain defined by its cool highlights. In our largest plank format for a spacious feel and convenient fitting, Niveus provides a versatile backdrop to any space.
Laying Patterns
You can arrange planks running straight down the length of a room for a simple but authentic look. For smaller rooms, why not try laying your planks on a diagonal to give the appearance of a wider space.
Ships' Decking Effect
If you are looking for something a bit different, try adding design strips in between each plank and create a ships' decking effect.
Add a Border
Allow your imagination to run free and create a floor that is unique to you - from a simple angled tramline perimeter strip to a smooth and sumptuous keyline curve, anything is possible with Designflooring.
Opus Flooring Range
With our largest formats of plank and tile in contemporary colours and designs, the Opus range is particularly suited to larger rooms where a modern and clean look is desired.