The importance of the Viking Basic Fencing System has grown over the years in line with the increase in the number of break-ins. Viking Guard Panels are intended for those of you who’d like a bit more than wire mesh fence.
Det är ett stängselsystem med högre säkerhet för varierande användningsområden. Viking Guard Paneler lämpar sig bra genom sitt stolpsystem som fungerar utmärkt för montering i ojämna terrängförhållanden.
The importance of the Viking Basic Fencing System has grown over the years in line with the increase in the number of break-ins. Viking Guard Panels are intended for those of you who'd like a bit more than wire mesh fence. Viking Guard Panels are the strongest of the three types of Demex panels: Viking Guard, Viking Safe, and Viking Basic. It is a fencing system with a higher level of security for varying areas of application. The post system that is extremely easy to install in uneven terrain makes the Viking Guard Panels well-suited to a number of applications. Viking Guard is a fencing system that is joined continuously or at the posts. Viking Guard is suitable for installations with high requirements for security and design, which is why it is a popular choice for industrial and public facilities. Viking Guard is delivered in practically all heights. The system consists of spot-welded net mats, posts, and connecting parts, and can be completed with gate systems with the same net filling.
Parks, public institutions, airports and military facilities, schools, industrial areas, as well as playground and sports facilities.