Fine-grained, super compact light natural cork panel
SoKoVerd.LV – Fine-grained, super compact light natural cork panels made of agglomerate of pre-boiled pure light cork, normalized in its fibro cellular structure.
Use and application
Due to its excellent features, it is particularly suitable for eco-friendly buildings with reduced environmental impact and low energy consumption. The most appreciated features are: low thermal conductivity, high transpiration, high mass, high elasticity, very low thermal diffusion, high acoustic absorption, high humidity resistance. The SoKoVerd.LV cork panels are used, with dry laying or by means of PraKov adhesive, for thermal, hygrometric and acoustic insulation of:
Pitch and plane coverings
Intermediate floors
Ground-floors and non-heated spaces
False ceilings in dry systems
Counter walls in dry systems
Cavities of outside walls
Counter-caisson for reinforced concrete structures
Inside walls and ceilings with BioVerd covering system for indoor
Walls with BioVerd covering system for outdoor, ETA certified and CE marking