When audio systems can be heard but can’t be seen.
Line of audio products dedicated for minimal and non-invasive solutions. The devices are completely hidden inside furniture, upholstery, mirrors, walls, doors or outdoor structures, by using either traditional or contact speakers. Technical and practical solutions deemed unthinkable until today. With itaudio easy everything is possible.
Aestethical solutions of the audio. With Itaudio Easy is possible a new approach to the audio design for environments, oriented to the acoustic comfort and to the daily use of its own mobile devices. With itaudio easy solutions, the designer can dare and think to new application horizons, with us it has a fertile land where to grow its ideas. Audio systems 20 to 60 watts rms, bluetooth™ 3.0 A2DP input CD definition, devices connectable to an optional wireless subwoofer. A Spa into your home The use of music as therapy, the emotion to be surrounded by the sound without perceiving its origin, the magic of the invisible audio.