The enchanting appeal of onyx is encapsulated by Florim’s Eccentric Luxe collection, which celebrates the exceptional beauty of this rare and breathtaking stone.
Capable of adding regal prestige to any space, this collection showcases the magnificence of the gems in luxurious, exclusive surroundings.
Onyx is a captivating and precious decorative stone that opens up a gateway to the ancient past and unites people with matter. Every detail captures the imagination: Eccentric Luxe’s lavish colours and profound graphic symbols guide the way on an emotional, awe-inspiring journey through nature, enhancing their surroundings.
Dream-like atmospheres are evoked by four versions adorned with winding lines and two with cloudy appearances.
Ideal for interior design schemes, residential architecture and the hospitality industry, Eccentric Luxe is a new addition to the Luxury Design selection of sophisticated stones.
Fresh research and development investments in new glazes and innovative digital decoration technologies have made it possible to propose vivid colours, impeccable graphic definition and rich aesthetic depth, while striving to ensure that the processes are sustainable.
The collection is born from a sustainable and virtuous approach and is part of CarbonZero, Florim's range of Carbon Neutral surfaces.