For that little touch of character which will make all the difference in your daily surroundings, the ‘Pick-Dressed’ finish by Carrières du Hainaut® offers subtle tonal contrasts that bring out the authentic sparkle of the original, rough material. These interrupted, parallell shining carvings are in fact wholly structured but appear not to be.
The ‘Coarse-grain Pick-Dressed’ finish is a rougher cut, with thicker, deeper and more spaced out carving whereas the ‘Fine-grain Pick-Dressed’ is more delicate with tighter, lighter and thinner lines.
The stone’s rhythmic and subtly linear appearance makes it ideal for decorating any outdoor layout with character, both on walls and floors, as well as adding style to indoor decorative elements. Indoors is is better to use in vertical applications for ease of cleaning.
Aspect subtle, contrasting lines
Color light grey
Texture rough
Specifics rhythmic, fine and delicate cut
Minimal thickness 3 cm
Maximal thickness 30 cm
Tablets Exterior floor Exterior wall Interior wall Anti skid
Outside : tiling, terraces, passageways, stairs, facades, wall base, fountains and other decorative and sculpted elements.
Inside : shower walls, entrance hall walls, stairwells, counters, furniture and other decorative elements.