As with the Sawn finish, the Scoured finish also presents Blue Limestone of Hainaut at its purest and most elegant. With its lightly finished surface, Scoured is an even light grey colour with the saw marks and the blue nuances found in the Sawn finish removed.
Its smooth, even, light grey surface is perfect for skirting and plinths, facades, patios, shower surrounds, wall covers and many other decorative uses.
Aspect both traditional and contemporary
Color light grey
Texture smooth
Specifics a smooth, ‘sanded’ finish
Minimal thickness 1,5 cm
Maximal thickness 10 cm
Exterior floor Exterior wall Interior floor Interior wall
Interior: flagstones, showers, bathrooms and baths…
Exterior: patio, facade, plinths and skirting, stairs, walls, fountains and other decorative creations.