The inclusion of the AS-3P Underground Parking Vehicle of the CARMEC mechanized parking systems allows the creation of 3 underground parking spaces without any environmental impact because at rest you do not notice their presence. The flooring of the upper floors makes the entire courtyard homogeneous, which is also completely driveable. The retractable car parks of the AS series are the ideal solution to optimize the vertical use of underground spaces: In fact, they provide for the digging of a pit that is equipped with the elevation/lowering system and that houses the cars when the plant is at rest. The pit is perfectly invisible from the outside, because it is closed by a roof placed flush with the pavement, thus ensuring an always harmonious integration of the car park realized with the building context in which it is inserted. As this system shows, the plant can be built on several levels, so you can park in overlapping multiple cars.
Stroke achievable according to the useful spaces
Portata utile 2.500 kg per auto – Portata maggiore a richiesta
Sollevamento oleodinamico mediante 4 cilindri con equilibratura a cremagliera, posti fuori della zona di apertura delle portiere
Mechanical safety lock on floors
Possibility of installation both indoors and outdoors
Possibilità di fornitura chiavi in mano comprese le porte dei box, con funzionamento anche in automatico
Parcheggio di due, tre o quattro vetture sovrapposte, ciascuna con completa autonomia di manovra
Possibilità di raddoppiare o triplicare il numero di posti auto complessivamente a disposizione
Measures adaptable to the available space and also to non-rectangular shapes