Exterior thermal insulating board to DIN EN 13 163 (EPS) for Caparol ETICS systems, made of expanded polystyrene,
type: EPS 035 ETICS, two-tone: grey/white
Field of Application
Exterior thermal insulating board for Caparol ETICS* System, to be fixed with adhesive mortar. Can be additionally fastened with anchors/dowels, if required.
* ETICS = External Thermal Insulation Composite System
Brit. term: EWI = External Wall Insulation
Am. term: EIFS = External Insulation and Finish System
Material Properties
CE - Declaration: EPS EN 13163-T2-L2-W2-S2-P4-DS(70,-)2-DS(N)2-TR150
Fire behaviour (German classification): B1 (DIN 4102-1)
European reaction to fire: EPS-boards: E / EPS-boards in ETICS: B
Quality control according to BFA QS
non-combustible dripping
block-foamed, two-tone particle foam
seasoned / non-shrinking / dimensionally stable / non-ageing
water wapour diffusible
toxicologically harmless
CFC-free, H-CFC-free as per CFC-Halogen-Prohibition-Regulation
free of formaldehyde