The C0LLAB0R8 range has been designed to be used either standalone, or as part of a modular set-up. The form of the two principle components the MELE and CER- CHIO "Apple and Circle in Italian" combine to form COLLABOR8. The individual units can be combined in a variety of different compositions for collaborative learning or can be used separately as individual work stations or for small groups. COLLABOR8 table are supplied with two casters which permit effortless repositio- ning of the tables based on the different classroom management preferences in- cluding those that support collaborative learning, small group work, and individual based tasks. COLLABOR8 has been specifically desi- gned for use with the IMOVE series of chairs and the work surface colour choice complements the chair colour options. The 4 basic laminate colour options used within the range offer a pleasing yet at the same time calming pallet which will fit in well with most wall and floor colour schemes. The beech wood core is exposed at the edge to give a variation in texture and co- lour which helps to bring together the area.