Country / Place: DE/Homburg
Name of Project: - - Day care centre St. Michael Homburg
Product Category: - - perforated Shading Screens
Material: - - CELLON® 8mm
Perforation: - - 50201
Colour: - - NCS S 2570-G20Y, NCS S 0570-G60Y, NCS S 1080-Y90R, NCS S 0585-Y40R, NCS S 0580-Y
Architect/Planner: - - Prof. Rollmann + Partner, Hombrug
Construction: - - Hodapp Innenausbau GmbH, Saarbrücken
Photo Credit: - - Zooey Braun Fotografie, Stuttgart
Perforated Bruag façade panels can also be used as sliding shutters, providing a special ambience both day and night. The exquisite perforations give rise to a whole variety of light patterns, depending on the time of day and the angle of sunlight. During the day, beams of sunlight seek a path through the imaginative pattern of perforations, creating an interesting array of shapes in the interior. During darkness, fascinating lights and shadows radiate outside.