Conspicuous Coloured Semi-Transparent Balcony Claddings.
Country / Place: DE / Neckargemünd
Name of Project: SRH Neckargemünd Balkone
Product Category: Balcony Claddings
Material: - - Cellon 10mm
Perforation: - 50653
Colour: - - RAL 3011
Architect / Planner: Donnig Unterstab + Partner Architekten und Innenarchitekten, 76437 Rastatt Germany
A balcony cladding made from 8 or 10mm thick CELLON is laser-cut to fit on point and can be any colour you can imagine. Choose from a range of over 3.000 colours and shades in the RAL-, NCS S, Bruag Alu or Les Couleurs® Le Corbusier spectrum. The tiles are coloured all around. The thickness of the material also allows for 3-D effects created by the perforations. In heat and weather conditions, CELLON does barely transform. Besides this advantage, CELLON is also much lighter than sheets made of metal or glass. The balcony cladding is very durable and all the colours used are light-proof.