TimberTech is a laminated material produced of 50% polyethylene and 50% wood fibres. With
decades of experience, TimberTech is one of the leading producers of WPC (Wood Plastic Composites).
The floorings are characterised by longevity and a Iow care effort.
Installation is easy and no special tools are needed.
Tools as for the installation of decking are very well suitable.
In the private garden, in the perfectly designed areas of pool, pond, hotel and spa facilities, in the skiing resort, at the rough sea or as a summer beach deck - Timber Tech is the right terrace With globally excellent references for any climate or architecture challenge it remains permanently beautiful, resilient and easy- care: TimberTech - a tried and tested part of the product range of WPC terrace Planks for decades - Quality & Design Decking. Terrace Planks ReliaBoard, TwinFinish and EarthWood With CTB WPC Decking certificate in Europe.