The BOB sofa system can now make sharp corners thanks to BOB Corner. Every space can't be built with undulating softness; sometimes a break is needed to make any kind of seating arrangement perfect.
When the wavy rolling form of the BOB sofa system encounters a corner, a hairpin bend might not be enough. Stefan Borselius and Thomas Bernstrand have solved a common customer request and have given the BOB sofa system an even greater flexibility with BOB Corner.
'Both the new BOB Corner seat and backrest will make it possible to have the sofa system reaching all the way into a corner,' says Thomas Bernstrand, and Stefan Borselius adds that it is now possible to build BOB with sharp as well as soft corners. BOB Corner will also allow for plant arrangements, tables, and similar breaks to be inserted more easily in BOB sofa system configurations.
A wide selection of fabrics and colours. FSC certifed plywood with moulded foam.