Betotitan ® is a solution for the walls of very tall structures. Its construction is easy and economical and gives the possibility of carrying out works in places inaccessible to vehicles, whilst ensuring a high resistance to surcharge scenarios. Plantable elements, with through colour.
Betotitan ® structures are stem gravity walls installed with or without structural backfill. They perfectly adapt to difficult terrain and can support the heaviest loads. Each course locks into its neighbour to prevent displacement. The topsoil infill has a horizontal aspect that is protected from erosion by the cellular structure. This enables optimum plant colonisation.
Very high retaining walls
Bridge abutments
Dykes and embankments
Slope consolidation
Terrace forming
Protection merlons
Anti noise merlons
Acoustic screens
Elements assembled without cementum, except for the foundation
Integral blocking between elements due to patented twin-locking system, providing great strength within the structure
The 4 pairs of lugs allows for the execution of 3 angles natural wall: 0 ° (vertical), -8 degrees and -23.5 °
According to the constraints and needs of each project, the elements can be articulated to adjust the angle of wall
Suited to installation on confined sites with difficult access for mechanised plant
Laid with or without geo-grid according to the parameters of the project
Tools Required: lump hammer, brick bolster, line, spirit level, tape measure