TERRACOAT is a state‐of‐the‐art, highly advanced formula based on lithium silicate and modified copolymers to be used on TERRAFLOOR screeds and grinded concrete.
Thanks to the small molecular size, TERRACOAT deeply penetrates the concrete matrix, creating the so‐called surface micro‐reinforcement formula, which guarantees high chemical and physical resistance, seals the floor surface and creates a coherent, non‐dusting structure.
Thanks to the application of an ultra‐modern mixture of organic and inorganic compounds, TERRACOAT provides long‐lasting, trouble‐free usage of the floor, high stain resistance, perfect slip resistant quali‐ties and ideal gloss.
To be used on the thin‐layer, decorative screeds TERRAFLOOR and old and newly‐made grinded concrete floors in warehouses, produc‐tion halls, food and pharmaceutical production plants, commercial and religious facilities.
Improved resistance to:
UV rays
chemical aggression
pedestrian and vehicle traffic
Ready to use, Applies easily
Treated surface easy to keep clean
Colourless, glossy finish