B35 T-grid of Atena STEEL STRONG range can be used both with Atena "Plan" standard tiles and custom made-panels, which need the sturdiness and technical-aesthetic features of B35.
The model with punched cross T is used to realize the new Atena sealed health care system "35 Syncro Evo".
B35 shaped-in clip
Overlap cross T connection
Elegant and strong
Maximum load 15 Kg/sqm
1200 mm punched T profiles, optional,
for 35 Syncro Evo hospital ceilings
B35: 3700 – 1200 – 600 h38
White – corrosion resist. C2
RAL/NCS coatings – corrosion resist. C2 | C4
Antimicrobial treatment – corrosion resist. C2 | C4