Inspire Active Learning,Creating flexible learning spaces,Artome S1 is every teacher’s ideal sidekick in transforming classes to active learning experiences. It´s image and sound are easily manageable with your own device. Bring the big picture and big sound exactly where you need it.
Product is designed to be as simple to use as possible, no drivers or installation – just plug-n-play.Too often, new technology can take hours to master with its complex features and user interfaces. Have a laptop or mobile device and simply connect to the Artome S1 with Apple TV, Google Chrome, or AirServer. With AirServer, you can skip the learning curve and share content simultaneously on up to eight different devices on a 120-inch screen.
Picture and sound for pop-up events effortlessly without Installation.Thanks to Artome S1's big image size, powerful integrated sound system and and two microphone connections, you can organize pop-up events anytime and anywhere. Student presentations, parent evenings, or even karaoke moments are effortlessly conducted with the help of Artome S1.