Photovoltaic (PV) devices have been in existence for several years and the electricity generated by them has been costly in comparison to conventional energy. This problem has been compounded by the shortage of solar grade Silicon which has become expensive. A solution to this problem was found by developing specialized solar PV reflectors which enable the solar radiation to be concentrated onto a smaller geometric area of Silicon while still producing the desired level of power. Alubond “PV Booster Mirror” (Patented in USA and World wide) is invented, designed and developed in the USA by Mulk R.E’s Khurram Khan Nawab. The Alubond PV Booster Mirror reflects the solar flux on to the silicon wafer channelling it into a PV Module which increases their electrical output, while protecting it from the burnout effect which is a serious and frequent issue with PV Module concentrators that result in reducing the life of the PV cells. Alubond PV Booster Mirror provides a cumulative effect on the photovoltaic panel which will enhance the power output without comprising the durability of the PV Panel.