TEK 28 is an innovative roofing element, realized by connection of a metal thin sheet with a coating of high density expanded polyurethane. Insulating coating, which goes along the corrugation in a symmetrical way, allows to have an insulated product, which can be at the same time integrated to Alubel 28 system, today’s most trusted and widely used roofing system.
Controlled straining
7% (This slope depends on the length of the sheets. Please refer anyway to local regulations.)
The overlapping of a corrugation and a half is probably the most important characteristic, giving a better guarantee for watertightness even with low slopes.
Also with the polyurethane insulation, Tek28 is always a high workable roofing system.
Laboratory tests have determined 20% higher flexural strength compared with a normal sheet.
The presence of an insulation layer enables a considerable reduction of the condensation effect.
Thanks to polyurethane application it was possible to reduce noise effect inside a building.
As insulating material, polyurethane contributes to thermal comfort inside a building.
In the realisation of a ventilated roof, with its insulating core Tek 28 contributes to a better effectiveness of the ventilation.
A real system of accessories has been created specifically and it completes and simplifies the realisation of the work.