“Elegance is good taste plus a dash of daring.”
(Carmel Snow)
Alberto Donà, with this chandelier, wanted to combine elegance and majesty. This is a chandelier with a touch of medieval, available in two sizes with Candels Sconce to match. Formed by a circular frame, on it you can find a series of tubes made with the pulegoso technique.
Do you want to know what pulegoso is?
Pulegoso glass is a type of ornamental glass formed by mixing petroleum with glass directly inside the oven. This procedure gives an opacity with the inclusion of myriads of gas bubbles that give the surface of the object a pitted appearance.
Tot N.3 parcels
N.2 cm 56*56*56 kg 28
N.1 cm 100*100*20 wooden box (frame) kg 30
Number of lights 56 lights G9 led