The SushiTower has been specifically developed for the sale of Sushi. The unique features are the mist free flaps made of iso-Plexi and the 360° glazing with a delicate steel frame. The concealed LED lighting gives perfect anti-glare illumination of the presented goods, enticing the guest to make their selection. Produtct-Highlight
Mist free lift up flap doors made of iso-Plexi (insulated acrylic glass doors) allow excellent visibility even at higher amqbient temperatures
Anti-glare illumination achieved by concealed (customer side) LED's. The lights are available in many different colours
Energy saving design, due to high quality insulated glass
Optimal customer visability due to all round glazing
Easy Grab and Go self service for the customer and the tilted glass shelves ensure a constant slip of goods to the front display
Fully automatic evaporation
Self contained version or remote cooling version without condensing unit