The Straliq is a spraying machine specially designed for precise brine spraying over large areas and multi-lane roads. Spraying not only reduces salt consumption and protects the environment, but is also a very economical method of de-icing. The Straliq is designed to fit large carrier vehicles and uses the three-lane spraying technique.
Fast and efficient de-icing
Substantial savings in spraying agent consumption
Environmentally friendly and economical method
Optimum spray pattern, even at minimum dosage
Your benefits
With a capacity of 7,500 -15,000 litres very large areas can be de-iced in one operation.
Reduced salt consumption through effective spraying technology.
Higher residual salt quantity compared to pre-wetted salt, which contributes to road safety.
Individual adjustment of the spraying width to each lane.
The Straliq is specially designed for spraying brine from large carrier vehicles using the three-lane spraying technique, which enables fast and efficient de-icing. The Straliq has a capacity of 7,500 -15,000 litres, which means that very large areas can be de-iced in one operation, while the high quality polyethylene tanks are suitable for all de-icing agents. Significant savings in consumption of spraying materials can be achieved, especially down to -6° C.