3M™ Nomad™ Terra Heavy Traffic Entrance Matting 8150 is coiled vinyl scraper matting suitable for use indoors, outdoors, or in recessed wells with high traffic volumes. The open coil structure removes, traps and hides dirt and moisture, preventing it from being tracked back into the building. The solid vinyl backing protects floor surfaces in indoor areas, is grease and oil resistant and easy to clean.
Trap and hold dirt and moisture in high traffic areas with 3M™ Nomad™ Terra Heavy Traffic Entrance Matting 8150. Our coiled vinyl scraper matting is suitable for use indoors, outdoors, or in recessed wells in high traffic areas, offering excellent resistance to grease and oil. The open coil structure removes, traps and hides dirt and moisture, preventing it from being tracked back into the building. The cushioned vinyl backing protects floor surfaces in indoor areas and makes it easy to clean.
Coiled vinyl scraper entrance mat designed for heavy-traffic applications
Matting for use indoors, outdoors, or in recessed wells of high traffic areas
Open coil structure removes, traps and hides dirt and moisture and allows for easy cleaning
Grease and oil resistant, easy to clean
Flexible coils brush shoe soles
Cushioned vinyl backing protects floors in inside areas