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- Water-repellent paint
Water-repellent paints

... Features and benefits Silicone masonry paint available in 160 colours Unique combination of high water repellency, high vapour permeability and low VOC Resistant to blistering and peeling Highly hydrophobic ...

Water-based paint composed of synthetic resins in watery dispersion, refined mineral fillers, special pigments and additives to ease workability. Can be applied using a brush, roller or spray with excellent ...

Capacity: 15, 4, 750 l
Covered surface: 11, 13 m²
Drying time: 30 min
... resistant colours Maximum resistance to humid environments Waterproof and breathable Anti-carbonation barrier Excellent washability and friction resistance Brush, roller or spraying. Stir paint ...

... 1.27. Dry solids content (EN ISO 3251) (%): approx. 59. Dilution rate: 10-15% of water. Recoat time: 24 hours. Application temperature range: from +5°C to +35°C. Cleaning: water. Storage: 24 months. Application: ...

... Product properties Odour-neutral, highly abrasion resistant, impact and shock resistant, extremely resilient (200%), waterproof and resistant against many chemicals.Exempt from identification marking. Binder base Acrylic ...

Satin paint for decoration with copolymer acrylic base in aqueous solution DESCRIPTION Decorative paint for new walls or renovation work in dry and wet areas, business or residential premises. SPECIAL ...

Keep the steel at home shiny and new with Asian Paints Apcolite Advanced 2-Pack Epoxy Finish. It is a general purpose, Epoxy based finish for steel exposed to atmospheric land and marine conditions.

... alkaline agents. ULIROUTE can be directly applied onto bare substrates or onto all our water-based as well as solvent-based single and two-pack road marking paints. Finish: Matt-silk Colours ...

... Chalking, Alkids, and Efflorescense Superior Quality Formula Masonry, Stucco & Brick Paint + Primer Lifetime Warranty Excellent hide, adhesion and water repellence Optimized for interior/exterior ...

... metallic lustre finish Areas Of Use Terraco Silshine Metallic is used as a metallic lustre topcoat on exterior masonry paint where high performance is required. Terraco Silshine Metallic is used as a top coating ...

Capacity: 8, 15, 3, 30 l
Covered surface: 195 m²
Atribute Water-repellent white, super-strength, high washability, approved by the Ministry of Health, ecological, excellent yield Culori white or can be tinted in pale colors, according to the AdePlast ...

Elastomeric insulating paint for Roofs Excellent waterproofing acrylic paint, with high elasticity for roof waterproofing. Its high standard formula withstands extreme weather conditions remaining “elastic” ...

Paint on the basis of nano-particle silicone emulsion, intended for painting facades and interiors. Incorporated in the TURBO thermal insulation systems by KREISEL After drying, the paint ...

ELASTIC, ACRYLIC PAINT FOR INDOOR AND OUTDOOR SURFACES GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS ELASTOMARK 818 is an acrylic-based paint for floorings, for internal and external surfaces and line marking. It can be ...

UNIVERSAL SUPER ACRYLIC PAINTS Indoor and outdoor water-soluble paint, it is waterproof and adequately breathable, easy to apply, ideal for professional use as it is ...

Anti-humidity paint based on synthetic resins and hydraulic binders for interior walls. Colour: Mat White Consumption 3 to 4 m² per L depending on the nature and the porosity of the substrate Packaging 30 L - 20 L - ...
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