Trapezoidal classroom tables

6 companies | 14 products
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contemporary classroom table
contemporary classroom table

Length: 80, 110, 150, 160 cm
Width: 80, 70, 110 cm
Height: 74 cm

... themselves when the table is held upside down / When the legs are folded in, a long rubber stacking protection prevents damages while stacking the tables / Many options are available such as modesty panels, ...

contemporary classroom table
contemporary classroom table

... continuous and closed line. The 25mm circular tube materializes this idea. In the circular, semicircular, square and trapezoidal tables, tubes are linked differently; they are connected with a tubular ...

contemporary classroom table
contemporary classroom table

Length: 32 in
Width: 20 in
Height: 22 in - 30 in

... Kaleidoscope frame. Support six students (4600) and eight students (4900) in a collaborative circular configuration or tailor the classroom to your specific educational requirements. The 4600 student desk is available ...

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contemporary classroom table
contemporary classroom table

Length: 80, 90 cm
Width: 80, 90 cm

The ELEMENTS table range forms the ba- sic building blocks which when combined create something new. The range comprises of a both Trapezoidal and Square forms. As with the C0LLAB0R8 range these come ...

contemporary classroom table
contemporary classroom table

Length: 120 cm
Width: 52 cm

... Shaped Table Our Large trapezoid shaped table is great for small group work due to its angular seating locations and consequent close proximity. When joined with additional trapezoid tables ...

contemporary classroom table
contemporary classroom table

Length: 1,100, 1,200, 600, 750 mm
Width: 550, 600, 750, 1,100, 1,200 mm

... a sturdy Crushed Bent 25mm square tube frame. Available in five different shapes for ultimate classroom flexibility. The only Crushed Bent tables in the market to stack 8 high for ease of storage. ...

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