Traditional sofas

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4 companies | 6 products
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classical sofa
classical sofa

Are you looking for luxury italian sofas? Luxury, elegance and charm that translate into either a classical or modern style, while keeping the solid principles of practicality, functionality and comfort. ...

classical sofa
classical sofa

Total height: 76 cm
Total width: 227 cm
Total depth: 90 cm

A classic seating group with power and comfort... Comfort, which blends classical elements in its design; For executives who reflect their style to both modern and classic offices. • ...

traditional sofa
traditional sofa

Seat height: 43 cm
Total height: 90 cm
Total width: 165, 175, 190, 205 cm

traditional sofa
traditional sofa

Total height: 850 mm
Total width: 2,150 mm
Total depth: 930 mm

See the other products
Tarmeko LPD
traditional sofa
traditional sofa

Total height: 770 mm
Total width: 1,840, 2,140 mm
Total depth: 940 mm

See the other products
Tarmeko LPD
traditional sofa
traditional sofa

Total height: 1,000 mm
Total width: 2,213 mm

See the other products
Tarmeko LPD
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