Titanium waterproofing membranes

3 companies | 3 products
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protection waterproofing membrane
protection waterproofing membrane

IKO carrara is a waterproofing membrane composed of elastomer (SBS) bitumen with fire-retardant properties and a polyester-glass combination reinforcement. The upper surface is finished with white titanium ...

roof waterproofing membrane
roof waterproofing membrane

... is an ECO roof membrane that reduces CO2 and the carbon footprint, and that is designed according to the Cradle to Cradle principles. Air Care Technology The mineral finishing of Polygum Carrara is coated with a special ...

protection waterproofing membrane
protection waterproofing membrane
NedZink® Pro-Tec

NedZink Pro-Tec is process-produced titanium zinc with a protective coating on the backside for application on either cold or damp-proof constructions. The protective layer protects the zinc against the ...

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