Thermoplastic tables

2 companies | 3 products
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contemporary table
contemporary table

Length: 80, 70 cm
Width: 80, 70 cm
Height: 75 cm

Timo is a four-legged table, made entirely of thermoplastic with aluminium legs and a polypropylene cover. The smooth top is a perfect match for all S•CAB chairs in technopolymer. Extremely versatile, ...

inflatable table
inflatable table

is the name of our transparent inflatable furniture range FUGU. Made in Thermoplastic Polyurethane ( TPU), the crystal furniture FUGU guarantee solidity and design through a bluffing transparency. Our Crystal range of ...

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illuminated table
illuminated table

... that allows you to change the color of your light colored furniture according to your moods and desires! Turn your coffee table into a bag bright trend product and your image. The light inflatable furniture : Easy to ...

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