Sunbrella® pergolas

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2 companies | 3 products
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self-supporting pergola
self-supporting pergola

Length: 3,000, 3,500 mm
Width: 3,000 mm
Height: 2,300 mm

Roll-up awning with adjustable privacy and sun protection The SHANGRILA awning is unique in the sun protection segment. The free-standing, rectangular shade sail is a combination of a parasol and awning. The fabric panels of the awning ...

self-supporting pergola
self-supporting pergola

... - Egoé studio Dimensions - 6335×2165×2400 mm Weight - 913.2 kg Choice of colour - construction (RAL), outdoor fabric (Sunbrella, Crevin, Hawaii)

self-supporting pergola
self-supporting pergola

... Egoé studio Dimensions - 4250 x 4250 x 2400 mm Weight - 1244.0 kg Choice of colour - construction (RAL), outdoor fabric (Sunbrella, Crevin, Hawaii)

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