Steel vases

6 companies | 8 products
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contemporary vase
contemporary vase

Height: 30 cm
Width: 19 cm
Depth: 19 cm

Prismes vases, with their perfect grooves, are particularly complex to produce : each vase is hand finished and passed through a mill which cuts the grooves under a jet of water. In the case of the oval ...

contemporary vase
contemporary vase

Height: 47 cm
Diameter: 26 cm

The LIBO Glass Vase is an accessory that stands out for its versatility. You can combine it with other vases in various shapes and colors, and even mix it with materials such as steel ...

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contemporary vase
contemporary vase

Height: 60, 90 cm
Diameter: 10 cm

A steel pipe turns into a modern vase. Plain black steel is painted with transparent paint to bring out the naturalness of the material, making each vase unique. The ...

contemporary vase
contemporary vase

Height: 240 mm
Diameter: 45, 70 mm

Glossed gold or antiqued vases with decorative imprints.

contemporary vase
contemporary vase

Height: 62, 76 cm
Width: 34, 26 cm
Depth: 12, 11 cm

... These lightweight, easy-to-move vases are ideal for placing on the floor or on an item of furniture, or even for attaching to a wall. The choice is yours! This metal vase is unmatched ...

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contemporary vase
contemporary vase

Height: 300 mm - 1,200 mm
Width: 64 mm - 384 mm
Depth: 96 mm - 512 mm

The FOLD Vase with its folded look is available in three sizes made of brass or steel. As with our award-winning FOLD kitchen island, we have tamed the archaic power of metal. The sculptural vessels and ...

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