Solid wood boardroom tables

6 companies | 7 products
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contemporary boardroom table
contemporary boardroom table

Length: 80 cm - 240 cm
Width: 80 cm - 240 cm
Height: 65 cm - 85 cm

... adjustable (65 - 85cm). The shapely Delta feet are configurable in steel black, white and aluminum color. Furthermore, a solid wood version in natural oak or dark oak in graphite look can be selected. ...

contemporary boardroom table
contemporary boardroom table

Length: 1,240, 1,560, 2,400, 3,200, 1,800 mm
Width: 1,240, 1,560, 1,400, 1,000, 1,100 mm
Height: 740, 1,070 mm

Wood is the key characteristic design element of TIMBA. The name was chosen due to its phonetic similarity to the word "timber". The legs of the TIMBA table are made from solid oak, ...

contemporary boardroom table
contemporary boardroom table

Length: 390 cm
Width: 150 cm
Height: 74 cm

SB55 is a table collection designed by Belgian architect Stéphane Beel. The design focuses on the V-shaped trestle structure in solid wood which gives the tables an architectural ...

contemporary boardroom table
contemporary boardroom table

stand-up desk and meeting table TABLE.H Meeting tables at sitting and standing height for meetings round off this homely range of tables. The solid ...

contemporary boardroom table
contemporary boardroom table

Akio. A universal range of solid wood tables for meeting, workspace and collaboration areas in offices. Design: Mathias Seiler

original design boardroom table
original design boardroom table

... maintaining the essence of what is most authentic in nature, this table has been born with innovative features, which demonstrate versatility bundled with subtleties. This designed table invites to turn ...

contemporary boardroom table
contemporary boardroom table

... holder and on request equipped with a folding and removable leathercovered writing tablet. Both tables and desks are made fully in multilayered wood with solid wood ...

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