Snow rooms

11 companies | 20 products
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sauna ice room
sauna ice room

Glamour Ice Room offers the reinvigorating power of ice in an environment of sophisticated and elegant lines, where the ceiling reproduces the magic of a starry sky – for an unforgettable wellness experience. The ...

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commercial ice room
commercial ice room

After a sauna or steam room session cooling off is not just vital, it also bestows your wellness guests with a special prickling freshness kick. Delight your guests with an ice fountain, ICE LOUNGE or SNOW ...

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wellness center snow room
wellness center snow room

It is a specially designed room in which the blood circulation is regulated after a sauna or steam room session. IGLOO Snow room is a cabin made of a special material ...

wellness center snow room
wellness center snow room
Technoalpin Indoor

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wellness center ice room
wellness center ice room

Ice cabin is a cold room, where a special radiant cooling technology is used. The radiant cooling technology ensures that the body cools down gently without guests catching cold. In addition, an ice fountain is provided, ...

several person ice room
several person ice room

The cold rooms are absolutely custom-made areas that serve to cool off the body after an infrared, steam room, or sauna session at a temperature between 0-5°C. It is very important to properly cool ...

sauna snow room
sauna snow room

Let yourself be caressed by the snow. The snow cabin is an unbeatable experience. Coming into contact with the snow, produced solely using air and water, revives the ...

sauna snow room
sauna snow room

... ceilings are designed to create niches and small ledges that encourage the formation of fresh snow deposits. Guests therefore always have small deposits of soft snow on hand for gentle body massages. ...

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snow room
snow room

... powder snow in snowcabins worldwide. After a hot treatment (like hot sauna/banya/steam bath), enter the snowcabin and its fascinating real winter scenery – this is the finest way to cool down. The cold air and creaming ...

snow room
snow room

Gather new body experiences in an enchanting cold environment. Tone up and increase your fitness as your body, lungs and respiratory passages are pleasantly cooled. You feel your skin tingling. The organs in your body benefit from the ...

snow room
snow room

... of cooling down. The snow cabin is built by 2 rooms to each other; first ambience is the acclimatization ambience or stabilization ambience where the temperature is maintained stable ...

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