- Kitchen & Bathroom >
- Bathrooms >
- Sliding and stacking shower screen
Sliding and stacking shower screens
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Height: 200 cm
... specific and personalized ones. In the next pages you’ll see the possibility to create your space for the shower, Open Space, corner solutions, shower doors and bathtub walls taking into consideration ...
Height: 185 cm
One side PVC extensible shower door, with side or central opening.
Height: 185 cm
PVC extensible shower enclosure, two-sided, with angle or side opening.
Height: 185 cm
PVC extensible shower cabin, with three sides and central opening.
Height: 185 cm
PVC extensible shower enclosure, semi-circular, with side or central opening. Note: The model shown on this page is compatible with the shower tray as shown below. It is also possible to make a shower ...
Height: 150 cm
PVC extensible tub enclosure, two-sided, with angle or side opening.
Height: 150 cm
DIANA MODEL PVC extensible tub enclosure, semi-circular, with side or central opening.
Height: 185 cm
PVC extensible shower enclosure, semi-circular, with side or central opening.
Height: 150 cm
One side PVC extensible tub door, with side or central opening.
Height: 185 cm
One side PVC extensible shower door, with side or central opening.
Height: 185 cm
PVC extensible shower cabin, with three sides and central opening.
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