- Building & Construction >
- Sanitation, Drainage >
- Rockfall barrier
Rockfall barriers
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The GREEN PALACIO© city gate features a unique design that aims to showcase nature. This same creative approach, inspired by organic forms and respectful of the environment, is the common thread running through all the elements of the ...
Based heavily on our dynamic rockfall barriers, Maccaferri Hybrid and Attenuator Systems combine the energy absorption capabilities of a dynamic rockfall barrier with ...
Snow Fencing Maccaferri snow nets and snow fences considerably reduce the risk of avalanches. They are designed to stabilise the layer of snow at the potential avalanche conception zone, thereby preventing triggering of the avalanche. The ...
ROCKFALL BARRIERS Roads running along mountain slopes constantly face the danger of landslides. Rockfall mesh plays an important containment function, rendering the rock faces stable ...
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