PVC underlay membranes

2 companies | 3 products
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PVC underlay membrane
PVC underlay membrane

Tarkodry floor and wall underlayer is a glue-down homogeneous PVC underlayer that is especially designed to create waterproofness in wet room areas. Tarkodry is a safe and long-lasting solution that can be installed under ...

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PVC underlay membrane
PVC underlay membrane

Tarkolay is an underlayer made from PVC coated glass fibre with studs in order to manage damp susbtrates. Tarkolay is a ready-to-use solution that can cope with up to a 7% humidity rate in the cement base, which makes ...

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PVC underlay membrane
PVC underlay membrane

Underlayer for sports flooring Install over damp subfloor New build or renovation The comfort version for the shower system! Provides acoustic insulation (16dB with Tarasafe Standard, Geo and Ultra ; 17 dB with Tarasafe Ultra ...

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