Polyethylene umbrella stands

4 companies | 4 products
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polyethylene umbrella stand
polyethylene umbrella stand

Minimalist umbrella stand made of zinc-plated steel sheet of 2mm folded into a “U”. The polyethylene base makes it dry easily.

polyethylene umbrella stand
polyethylene umbrella stand

... Brik is a colorful and fun collection of umbrella stands, featured by a pure volume. Made of rotomoulding polyethylene with matt and scratch resistant finish. It has ten holes, storing ...

polyethylene umbrella stand
polyethylene umbrella stand

The Zontik umbrella stand keeps things well organized. Zontik diligently collects and contains any water that may drip from wet umbrellas. In the white version (also suitable for outdoor ...

polyethylene umbrella stand
polyethylene umbrella stand

... usefulness as an umbrella stand becomes apparent. Rodolfo Bonetto, who designed it in 1975, looked to essentials when creating this minimalist and amusing, but absolutely efficient and complete object. ...

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