Piero Lissoni mirrors

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wall-mounted mirror
wall-mounted mirror

Reflection is a collection of rectagular mirrors available in three sizes with a bronze satined, painted metal frame. The mirror is available to be placed on the floor, in this case is fitted with a wall ...

wall-mounted mirror
wall-mounted mirror

5mm extralight mirror available in round or oval shapes. The mirror assumes a magnetic aspect creating surreal effects thanks to three magnifying portholes fixed on a flat surface with each porthole having ...

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free-standing mirror
free-standing mirror

Standing mirror irregularly shaped with faceted perimeter and special chamferings with variable depths and inclinations.

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free-standing mirror
free-standing mirror

Mirror obtained by gluing several bands in different heights and lengths, placed side by side in a random and irregular way. The result is a fragmentary and decomposed mirror which can be hung or placed ...

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wall-mounted mirror
wall-mounted mirror

A truly magnificent mirror with Murano glass frame, achieved through a complex and refined hand-made production process, making each piece unique and unrepeatable. The frame is composed of various elements which are fixed ...

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table mirror
table mirror
Art Wood Frame

Height: 200 cm
Width: 150 cm
Depth: 16 cm

Sleek lines, contoured edges, matte finish. This mirror with black lacquered frame expands the space and amplifies interpretations. The simplicity of the geometric shape is underlined by the large and almost austere frame ...

free-standing mirror
free-standing mirror

... . Boffi’s designer solutions adorn the home with taste and elegance, enriching each space with adaptable accessories. The mirrors can be either wall-mounted or installed on the floor, for a unique and original touch.

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