Patio high bar tables

5 companies | 6 products
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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contemporary high bar table
contemporary high bar table

Length: 180 cm
Width: 60 cm
Height: 110, 98 cm

The linear and slender design that characterizes the entire System collection finds a further expression in the bar table. The thin top and the structure with rhomboid section legs create an elegant meeting ...

high bar table with barbecue
high bar table with barbecue

Length: 1,500 mm
Width: 1,100 mm
Height: 1,060 mm

high bar table with ice bucket
high bar table with ice bucket

classic high bar table
classic high bar table

Length: 150 cm
Width: 68 cm
Height: 110 cm

... outdoor bar is the perfect further development of our top seller Calero bench and table. With bar stools and high tables you can design completely new ...

contemporary high bar table
contemporary high bar table

contemporary high bar table
contemporary high bar table

Length: 726 mm
Width: 726 mm
Height: 1,019 mm

Pleats : The Bar Table with ice cream colors. This High Bar Table is part of the PLEATS range of furniture designed for restaurant, bars, ...

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