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- Onshore small wind turbine
Onshore small wind turbines
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Rated power: 2 kW
... businesses, the Skystream 3.7 paved the way as the first compact, all-inclusive personal wind generator (with controls and inverter built in) designed to work in very low winds. It produces up to 400 ...

Rated power: 300 W
Output voltage: 48 V
Produce your green electricity with the Aeroleaf®, the first micro-turbine that reinvents wind power. New World Wind invites you to discover the Aeroleaf® ; a unique technology in ...
New World Wind

Rated power: 336 W
Output voltage: 48 V
Produce your green electricity with the Aeroleaf®, the first micro-turbine that reinvents wind power. New World Wind invites you to discover the Aeroleaf® ; a unique technology in ...
New World Wind

Rated power: 5,400, 7,200, 9,000 W
Output voltage: 230, 110 V
... a tree-shaped electricity production system made up of 3 to 5 steel trunks and branches on which 18 to 30 leaf-shaped wind turbines are fixed. An interesting alternative to the WindTree which allows ...
New World Wind

Rated power: 5,832, 7,776, 9,720 W
Output voltage: 110, 230 V
... a tree-shaped electricity production system made up of 3 to 5 steel trunks and branches on which 18 to 30 leaf-shaped wind turbines are fixed. An interesting alternative to the WindTree which allows ...
New World Wind

Rated power: 4 kW
The WindBush is the most simple tree that New World Wind wanted to create. Easy to manufacture, easy to install (with a small concrete basement), with only 12 aeroleafs in the regular version and 16 ...
New World Wind

Rated power: 4 kW
The WindBush is the most simple tree that New World Wind wanted to create. Easy to manufacture, easy to install (with a small concrete basement), with only 12 aeroleafs in the regular version and 16 ...
New World Wind

Rated power: 11 kW
... benches. Efficient energy production A wind tree can power public furniture, a car park, offices or even charging stations for electric cars. The energy produced is easily usable whatever your needs. The Wind ...
New World Wind

Output voltage: 24, 12 V
... Withstanding typhoon or hurricane. Application Environment: Suitable for wind-solar-powered streetlamps/lighting systems, ornamental lighting system, etc. where the mean annual wind speed is low.
Zhejiang WinPower Energy

Output voltage: 24 V
... made of aluminum alloy materials, with an error≤ 0.3g, and with a good dynamic balancing performance. 3. With low start-up wind speed and high generating efficiency, superb anti-corrosion and anti-sandstorm capabilities. 4. ...
Zhejiang WinPower Energy

Rated power: 1,000 W
Output voltage: 120 V
... made of aluminum alloy materials, with an error≤ 0.3g, and with a good dynamic balancing performance. 3. With low start-up wind speed and high generating efficiency, superb anti-corrosion and anti-sandstorm capabilities. 4. ...
Zhejiang WinPower Energy

Rated power: 10 kW
Zhejiang WinPower Energy

Zhejiang WinPower Energy

Rated power: 3 kW
Output voltage: 220 V
Zhejiang WinPower Energy

Rated power: 5 kW
Output voltage: 220 V
Zhejiang WinPower Energy

Rated power: 10 kW
Output voltage: 220 V
Zhejiang WinPower Energy

Rated power: 20 kW
Output voltage: 380, 220 V
Zhejiang WinPower Energy

Rated power: 20 kW
Tozzi Green offers leading edge solutions in the small wind turbine sector, with its 10 kW and 60 kW wind turbines and their unmatched performance starting ...

Complete 8.8-meters Tower KIT for Wind Generators 8.8 meters Tower for Wind Turbines (designed especially for WINDFORCE™ Series –XUNZEL Wind Turbines) Easy ...
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