Multi span greenhouses

3 companies | 6 products
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commercial greenhouse
commercial greenhouse

An attractive square-shape garden glasshouse - for different uses and users. This conservatory-greenhouse has a square shape. This allows maximum use of the inner space. Comers will provide enough space not only for ...

gardening greenhouse
gardening greenhouse

The Multispan ATLANTIQUE 11.60m greenhouse was created upon request of certain producers looking for a big shelter which could both have a great air volume for an excellent sanitary condition and a great width so they ...

See the other products
Serres Jrc
commercial greenhouse
commercial greenhouse

... increased brightness and an easier transversal circulation. AIR + OPENING : An opening positionned at the highest point of each span (ridge) for vegetable cultures needing optimal aeration.

See the other products
Serres Jrc
gardening greenhouse
gardening greenhouse

... excellent brightness due to the low obstruction of the aluminium beam gutter, a competitive cost. This BI-TUNNEL 9,60m greenhouse alows the production of a broad range of vegetables, from tomatoes to salad. The structure ...

See the other products
Serres Jrc
gardening greenhouse
gardening greenhouse

... 6 meter for increased brightness and easier tillage. AIR + OPENING : An opening positionned at the highest point of each span (ridge), with the possibility of closing and opening of vegetable cultures needing an optimal aeration.

See the other products
Serres Jrc
commercial greenhouse
commercial greenhouse

Classification (EN 13031-1) useful project life: 15 years Prevailing use garden

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