Modular shoring towers

3 companies | 3 products
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steel shoring tower
steel shoring tower

Load capacity: 60 kN
Height: 158 cm - 825 cm

The shoring tower EcoTower with its high load capacity (60 kN per standard) and quick assembly, is the perfect solution for shoring at great heights, having already achieved configurations ...

steel shoring tower
steel shoring tower

To realise shoring towers with standard pitch from 0,50 – 1,00 – 1,50 – 2,00 e 2,50 mt Our connection system is really practical and very easy to use. It enables the implementation of stable shoring ...

steel shoring tower
steel shoring tower
STS 100

Load capacity: 47 N - 55 N
Height: 3 m - 12 m

The "Shoring tower" (also referred to as "propping tower" ,”shoring tower”or "scaffolding tower") is a modular structure ...

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