Lighting management software

15 companies | 24 products
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement4.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement4}}

{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/if}} {{#each product.productTagAssociationList}}
{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
lighting management software
lighting management software

The intuitive app for Android and Apple devices make it easier than ever to control your home’s audio, entertainment, lighting, and so much more. The Control4 App and an active 4Sight subscription enables total control ...

lighting management software
lighting management software

... flexible software base. NEO Software can be fully integrated into the system, allowing seamless control of both production and architectural lighting.​ The NEO Fixture library ...

lighting management software
lighting management software

... Alone" software was created for users seeking complete ease-of-use. With its simple design and competitive price, «Easy Stand Alone» offers its wide range of features as a gateway to multiple applications, particularly ...

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Nicolaudie Europe
design software
design software

Design and analyze building electrical systems with Hevacomp Electrical Designer software, and meet the needs and standards of the United Kingdom. With simple-to-use design tools, you can quickly design complex, high-performance ...

lighting management software
lighting management software

Savants TrueImage™ Control technology pushes the limits of the user-experience by providing an innovative interface that allows you to touch actual images of Smart Home or Commercial products to initiate commands. Simply touch the image ...

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Savant Systems
security and access control software
security and access control software

... today’s electronics are converging in new and exciting ways. Fully customizable using RTI’s Integration Designer® programming software, the RTiPanel offers the same intuitive control experience RTI remote controls offer, ...

lighting management software
lighting management software

YOUVI Basic software package (visualization, IP router, bus monitor) IN STOCK SKU PNX31-10001 YOUVI Basic enables the reliable control of all basic tasks of your KNX Smart Home. The software package ...

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lighting management software
lighting management software

Smartphone App for commissioning and/or operating the B.E.G. LUXOMATnet DALI LINK single room lighting control solution 2 software versions for iOS and Android Available for free in the corresponding ...

security and access control software
security and access control software

The Mroomote® app by MIDITEC is a mobile access and room control management system to unlock doors with a smartphone and control room climate, lights, blinds and many other room components. Mroomote® can be used for a ...

lighting management software
lighting management software

... the MA onPC command wing and MA onPC fader wing MA Lighting has developed a sophisticated hardware extension perfectly suited for the grandMA2 onPC software. If you would like to use it as a lighting ...

See the other products
MA Lighting
lighting management software
lighting management software

The RAPID graphical interface is designed to provide the user flexible control and monitoring of the lighting from a PC. Bitmaps of the building floors can be illustrated for all control devices, which are graphically ...

lighting management software
lighting management software

Whether you are new to lasers, or have years of experience, QuickShow adapts to your level. You can do basic shows right out of the box. All you have to do is click on cues, or press keyboard keys, to display them in time to the music. ...

lighting management software
lighting management software

... coming to life. Using SmartLux lighting via the Pirnar mobile app allows you to remotely control how the threshold, pull bar, handle and/or decorative strips of your door are illuminated. You can also control the lighting ...

security and access control software
security and access control software

lighting management software
lighting management software

... Artificial Intelligence developed to create the full potential of smart Internet of Things lighting systems. Caimeta™ systems offer end-to-end connected lighting solutions for smart retail, office ...

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