Lacquered aluminum benches

3 companies | 3 products
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minimalist design bench
minimalist design bench

Length: 100 cm - 200 cm
Seat height: 46 cm
Seat depth: 45 cm

... minimalism and the fine finishes offered, ranging from iroko, teak wood to ceramics. Table, coffee table, console and bench with aluminium legs and structure, various finishes. Ceramic top, various ...

contemporary bench
contemporary bench

Length: 172.5 cm - 287.5 cm
Seat height: 43 cm

The GTWood bench offers an elegant and practical seating solution, with a contemporary design that makes it ideal for various settings. The seamless integration of the seat and backrest into a single piece enhances both ...

contemporary bench
contemporary bench

Length: 200 cm
Seat height: 46 cm
Seat depth: 38 cm

Bench (3/4 people). White aluminium frame. Light concrete effect.

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