Jaime Hayon candle holders

4 companies | 4 products
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porcelain candle holder
porcelain candle holder

Presenting a language all its own, dominated by blue and red along with gold accents, the decorative pieces can be used independently or combined with other pieces of the collection, finding the "sensation of family" in the common colours ...

metal candle holder
metal candle holder

Shangai, a sculptural candelabra by Jaime Hayon. Its volumes and geometry are reminiscent of the skyscrapers in Chinese metropolises. Candleholder Color: oro rosa lucido Size: cm 12x12xh.30 cod. AH20/04/92

metal candle holder
metal candle holder

brass candle holder
brass candle holder

... classical chamber candle holder, this design forms a display of light and warmth with golden brass and a sculptural quality. Simply elegant and beautiful alone, or arranged in a group. The larger Candle ...

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