Hardwood bar stools

3 companies | 3 products
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contemporary bar stool
contemporary bar stool

Seat height: 74 cm
Seat width: 40 cm

Step into a forest and hear the wind rustle through the leaves. Smell the sweet resin, and touch the dry bark on the tree trunks. Follow the butterflies. Humans have spent eternity domesticating the wild. With the ORGANIK collection, ...

contemporary bar stool
contemporary bar stool

Seat height: 31 in
Seat width: 14 in

This contemporary bar stool is built with iron and acacia wood. also known as Koa. This dense tropical wood has a dynamic woodgrain design. Special Features: • Hand rubbed stain and finish • ...

minimalist design bar stool
minimalist design bar stool

The pipe series was developed in response to a brief calling for raw furniture with a simple narrative. The design evolved as a result of exploring the use of raw untreated materials, and how they can be Incorporated into robust affordable ...

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