Hanging file shelving

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5 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
commercial shelving
commercial shelving

... all of its own? Imagine spending eight hours in a configurable space where you decide what you want and how you want it. Shelving House is a fusion of furniture and architecture. It’s a dynamic, versatile modular system ...

storage shelving
storage shelving

... and accessible for ease of movement into and out of the space. Construction Anchored by 800 Series Storage and Modular Shelving, the stanchions and gantry system can support all sorts of equipment to make collaborative ...

office shelving
office shelving

Mobile trolleys for top loading capacity : 20 clamps (about 2000 drawings) trolleys supplied without clamps. 10 year guarantee on clamps. FORMATS A1, A0 COLORS

commercial shelving
commercial shelving

Small items shelf with 114+6 boxes in 6/10 thick sheet metal with galvanised partitions and fronts.

commercial shelving
commercial shelving

... relocation happen with little disruption. Open shelving systems designed to mount to interior office walls of private offices or conference rooms to provide storage space. Worksurfaces mount onto the shelving ...

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