Glass bathtub surrounds

2 companies | 3 products
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rectangular bathtub surround
rectangular bathtub surround

wedi Bathboard cladding is made of 20 mm wedi building board and has revolutionised the cladding of bathtubs and showering trays. Height variations because rough concrete and screeding of up to 10 cm can be compensated ...

rectangular bathtub surround
rectangular bathtub surround

THE 1-2 PUNCH IN THE BATHROOM Whether you prefer baths or showers, the Artweger TWINLINE 1 makes both possible! As the Artweger TWINLINE 1 is both: a fully-fledged shower and a comfortable bathtub! The ...

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rectangular bathtub surround
rectangular bathtub surround

THE BATHTUB OF THE FUTURE The TWINLINE 2 not only convinces with its compact design, it is also extremely adaptable with its variations and therefore creates enough room for a fully-fledged shower and bath ...

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